

Community Workforce Navigator Program


The Community Workforce Navigator Program (CWNP) is a neighborhood-based initiative to help unemployed and underemployed residents access jobs and workforce development resources.

Local Small Business Expanded Repair/Restore Grants


The Local Small Business Expanded Repair/Restore Grant Program provides funding to small businesses located in the City of Portland that have sustained physical and economic damage due to break-ins and vandalism. Grants assists the eligible business to remain open and operational and contributes to maintaining a healthy street environment.

Prosper Portland’s Economic Recovery Investments Funded by the American Rescue Plan


Prosper Portland's Economic Recovery Investments Funded by the American Rescue Plan Portland City Council allocated Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to Prosper Portland in 2021 and 2022 to support these projects. Learn more about the principles used to guide these investment priorities at Funding supports new Major Impact [...]

Equitable Food Economy Collaborative


Equitable Food Economy Collaborative Contact: Shea Flaherty Betin, email The Equitable Food Economy Collaborative is a partnership between regional nonprofits, producers, Oregon State University, the Oregon Department of Agriculture, and Prosper Portland. These partners work together toward shared goals that will catalyze the development of an equitable and resilient regional food economy. [...]

Shop Small PDX


In the midst of a public health & economic crisis, how and where you spend your money matters. Portland’s small businesses are the very soul of the city – and many of them, owned by People of Color, could use your business. They’re showcased at Shop Small PDX, where you’ll find inspiration and excitement in a full array of products, services, experiences and gift ideas.

Community Opportunities and Enhancements Program


CONTACT: Jerrohn Jordan, EMAIL Community Opportunities and Enhancements Program The Community Opportunities and Enhancements Program (COEP) is a City of Portland strategy to increase diversity and equity in construction contracting. The goals of the COEP are to increase the number of people of color and women in the trades and to remove barriers for [...]

Portland Means Progress


This initiative provides connections for businesses to hire local students and young professionals of color, purchase from businesses owned by people of color and create diverse workforces and vibrant company cultures.

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