What’s Happening
Portland Film to Debut at SXSW
New Central City Destinations Help Invigorate Downtown Portland’s Food Scene
National Executive Search for Prosper Portland’s Next Executive Director
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Challenge: The growing income and asset disparity between white people and people of color
Solution: Collaborate to grow jobs and increase assets among communities of color
The percentage of people of color living in poverty is more than twice that of the white population (25% v 12%)
Percent of total grant volume from the Prosperity Investment Program that went to people of color in 2016
Value of investment made in local procurement by Enterprise Zone companies (2016)
Business Tools
Prosper Portland connects people and resources to build an equitable economy
by growing family-wage jobs, advancing opportunities for prosperity, collaborating with partners for an equitable city, and creating vibrant neighborhoods and communities.
Social Equity
Prosper Portland is focused on harnessing and expanding our tools for job creation, place-making and economic opportunity to achieve widely shared prosperity among all residents of Portland.