Collaborating with partners for an equitable city

Collaboration with community organizations and the private sector is central to our job creation, place-making and economic opportunity work. We share the gains from economic growth and development to ensure all communities benefit, including communities of color and those historically underserved.

Prosper Portland plays a unique role as convener of private and community interests, serving as a nexus between the private sector and public agencies. It’s thus positioned to play a leading role in the goal to Form 21st Century Civic Networks, Institutions, and Partnerships that address the dual challenges of addressing wealth and income disparities and managing growth equitably.

No one organization or agency has the capacity to address market and system failures. But strong partnerships and networks can form alliances and alignments to produce solutions to the most pressing issues in education, workforce development, neighborhood affordability, and infrastructure.

Desired Outcomes

Workforce & Regional Competitiveness – Portland is the center of a thriving, equitable, regional economy that produces abundant quality jobs that residents are able to attain; underserved residents and people of color have ready access to workforce development resources.

Affordability & Neighborhood Solutions – Portland neighborhoods remain affordable to residents at all income levels and for small businesses across all industry sectors.

Neighborhood Capacity Building – Local business owners, residents and community experts drive economic development results and have the capacity to engage in productive, balanced partnerships between public, private, and non-profit organizations.

Innovation & Infrastructure – Portland is recognized as a leader in civic innovation and serves as a market for local technology solutions. The city pursues cost-effective and resilient approaches to infrastructure and utilities.

Projects & Programs

Collaborating with partners for an equitable city


Williams & Russell Project

The Williams & Russell project is a collaborative effort between a community-based Williams & Russell Project Working Group (PWG), Prosper Portland, Legacy Health and the City of Portland. The project involves Legacy Health returning to the community a 1.7-acre vacant block at North Russell Street and North Williams Avenue. Historically, the site once was part of a thriving community that housed the majority of African Americans in Portland and Oregon.