With two successful events completed in Portland in the past year, My People’s Market will expand on its connection and celebration of multicultural small business owners and entrepreneurs of color from throughout the city with a version timed for holiday shopping on Friday, November 9, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Custom Blocks, SE 10th and Main in the Central Eastside.
The market’s theme is solidly one of connection: between businesses and communities; between businesses and public and private partners; and among the entrepreneurs themselves; who share their stories, successes and challenges as part of the market’s distinct character and presentation.
Join us: My People’s Market, Friday, November 9, Custom Blocks. VIP event 3:00-5:00 p.m., $50 (includes grab bag, drinks and food, meet the makers, hear the stories); Open Market: 5:00 -10:00 p.m. Free admission.