Board of Commissioners meeting
January 24, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
In person: Prosper Portland, 220 NW Second Ave
Also streaming on Prosper Portland’s YouTube Channel and broadcast on cable Channel 30
As required by State law, Prosper Portland provides an opportunity for the public to access and attend its meetings virtually; as such, a YouTube live stream video of the meeting can be found on our YouTube channel. The public can also provide written testimony to the Commission or arrange in advance to provide virtual testimony to the Commission during the meeting by emailing ProsperCommissioners@ProsperPortland.us
Est. Time | #i | Item Title & Presenters | Report & Resolution No. |
3:00 pm | 1 | Call to Order and Roll Call Gustavo Cruz Jr., Chair |
3:01 pm | 2 | Commissioner Reports | |
3:06 pm | 3 | Executive Director Report Kimberly Branam, Executive Director |
3:13 pm | 4 | Meeting Minutes December 13, 2024 |
3:14 pm | 5 | Public Comment for Items not on Agenda | |
3:17 pm | 6 | Action Item: Authorizing Grant of an Access Easement to Multnomah County for Maintenance and Operations under the Broadway Bridge | Report 24-01 Resolution 7514 |
7 | Action Item: Requesting City Council to Issue Short-term Subordinate Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Bonds for the City’s Urban Renewal Areas and Pledging Revenues from Those Areas to the Bonds | Report 24-02 Resolution 7515 |
8 | Action Item: Authorizing Acceptance of the Economic Development Administration Revolving Loan Fund Award Via Transfer from the City of Portland; Authorizing the Executive Director to Apply to Economic Development Administration for Defederalization of the Award | Report 24-03 Resolution 7516 |
3:20 pm | 9 | Action Item: Accepting and Approving the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2022-23 and Accepting the Communication with Those Charged with Governance Tony Barnes, Chief Financial Officer Simone Rede, City of Portland Auditor Keith Simovic, Moss Adams |
Report 24-04 Resolution 7517 |
3:50 pm | 10 | Action Item: Approving the Terms of a Commercial Property Redevelopment Loan and a Thriving Small Business Loan to Creative Homies, LLC, in an Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed $700,000, for to Finance Construction of, and Working Capital Needs of, a Redevelopment Project Located at 433 NW 4th Avenue in the Downtown Waterfront Tax Increment Finance District Carlos Moreno, Senior Business Finance Officer |
Report 24-05 Resolution 7518 |
4:15 pm | 11 | Action Items: Authorizing the Terms of a Development Agreement Relating to the Design and Construction of a Private Mixed-Use Development and Public Infrastructure at and Near NE 102nd Avenue and Pacific Street in the Gateway Tax Increment Finance District; Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation to Fund Infrastructure Improvements in the Gateway Tax Increment Finance District Brian Moore, Development Manager Joel Devalcourt, Project Manager l |
Report 24-06 Resolution 7519 Resolution 7520 |
4:45 pm | 12 | Adjourn | |
Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend/participate in this meeting should call (503) 823-3200 or (503) 823-6868 (TDD) at least two business days (48 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date for assistance.
A video recording of this meeting will be broadcast on cable channel 30 on Friday, January 26, 11:30 p.m., and Monday, January 29, 8:00 p.m.
i Note that item numbers may not represent the order they will be heard, but represent the location of the item in the packets.