White Phoenix Acupuncture (WPA) at 6913 SE Foster Road in the Lents Town Center TIF district is a non-profit clinic that offers acupuncture and massage on a sliding scale, providing affordable care and natural, low-impact medicine to the Foster/Powell neighborhood and surrounding areas. WPA provides acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, nutritional counseling and other forms of East Asian medicine. Its patients are primarily low-income, underserved and underinsured.
In fiscal year 2018/19 Prosper Portland provided the clinic with $18,143 in Community Livability Grant funds for ADA doors, signage and exterior paint. Working through COVID-related delays, WPA completed the project in 2021. A mural designed and applied by Una Kim Studios, a local artist, presents a more visible and attractive storefront.
Offering increased access and more equitable opportunities for community health, the clinic is truly a part of the neighborhood, with a commitment to serving all those who need help, not just those who can afford it.