Courtney Jenkins (left in orange), Constructing Hope’s Director of Development; Kat Finseth, U of O Marketing and Development Intern.
Constructing Hope’s mission is to rebuild the lives of people in the community by encouraging self-sufficiency through skills training and education in the construction industry. The organization provides no-cost, 10-week construction training programs, placement services and career advancement support. Participants are 100% low-income and unemployed; 70% racial or ethnic minority; and 60% with history in the criminal justice system.
In 2018 Prosper Portland provided a $300,000 Community Livability Grant to Constructing Hope for expansion of its facility to serve larger groups of students and conduct both hands-on training and classroom instruction simultaneously. The project had broad community support and partnership.
While the Workforce Training Center expansion encountered both unforeseen structural issues and pandemic-related delays, a special Reveal Event on Thursday, July 15 gave the project’s friends and partners a behind-the-scenes look at the process and final preview of the work. Constructing Hope expected to take occupancy in September 2021.