As the City’s economic development agency, Prosper Portland knows that moving out of a location can bring a lot of challenges for a business. We partnered with our network of service providers including the Portland Business Alliance and WorkSystems Inc to support the 10th & Yamhill tenants from the time of project conception through the tenant relocation.
- Tenants received notice about the project more than a year and a half before the renovation began, to give them enough time to plan for relocation and next steps for their businesses. We sat down with tenants individually to give them an overview of the project, a timeline for moving out, and resources to support their next phase as a business.
- The Portland Business Alliance reached out to tenants to help with finding new spaces using their retail vacancy map for new location opportunities in the downtown and Old Town/Chinatown retail districts. Prosper Portland provided information about the agency’s grant and loan programs that can be used for space acquisition and renovation.
- Prosper Portland co-hosted an assistance event with WorkSystems Inc. and WorkSource Portland for employees that were displaced as a result of the tenant relocation. Attendees gained information about insurance benefits, health insurance options through OregonHealthCare, free training and re-employment services, and access to the Prosper Portland Workforce Navigator Program. Watch this video to see one attendee’s feedback about her experience at the assistance event: