Williams & Russell Project Community Open House
March 31, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
The Williams & Russell Project Working Group has been trusted with developing the property that sits at the intersection of Williams Ave. and Russell St. to benefit and honor Portland’s African American community. For the last three years the Project Working Group has worked diligently and with great care to uphold that trust and follow through on the charge they accepted. With the release of the RFP in February 2021 and responses due Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Project Working Group believes this is the right time to update the community on the current state of the project, invite the community to engage in the next critical phase of the development, and have direct dialogue with the community.
The PWG hopes this event will be the beginning of a year of important engagement opportunities as it chooses a development partner, determines specific community project goals, and takes the first steps designing the future development. Although it has taken a great deal of time to get here, this development has the space to dream, imagine, and meet the community’s highest aspirations.