Definitions - Commonly Used Terms and Acronyms
There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
The process by which an undervalued neighborhood becomes desirable, which results in the displacement of lower income households due to the loss of affordable housing, often with a corresponding change in racial and ethnic makeup of a neighborhood’s residents and businesses.
GIS (Graphic Information Systems)
GIS technology is used to develop maps that depict resources or features such as soil types, population densities, land uses, transportation corridors, waterways, etc. GIS computer programs link features commonly seen on maps (such as roads, town boundaries, water bodies) with related information not usually presented on maps, such as type of road surface, population, type of agriculture, type of vegetation, or water quality information. A GIS is a unique information system in which individual observations can be spatially referenced to each other.
Green Building or Green Design
Building design that yields environmental benefits, such as savings in energy, building materials, and water consumption, or reduced waste generation.
A linear open space; a corridor composed of natural vegetation. Greenways can be used to create connected networks of open space that include traditional parks and natural areas.
Gross Revenues
All cash and cash equivalents (i.e., any item immediately convertible to cash without substantial discount or reduction) received by the Project Sponsor that is specified as gross revenue on the Pro Forma attached as Exhibit C of a PDC loan agreement, but not including proceeds from refinancing, loans, capital contributions, tenant security deposits that the Project Sponsor is obligated to return, and any rentals paid more than one month in advance during a Fiscal Year.