Definitions - Commonly Used Terms and Acronyms
There are currently 15 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.
Economic development
Work to improve the standard of living and economic competitiveness; activities include business retention, expansion and recruitment, international trade, and entrepreneurship development.
Economic opportunities
The ability for people to create wealth through activities such as: accessing employment, building businesses, and purchasing property.
Eligible Non-Profit Organization
Organizations must be one of the following:
- A 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(6) corporation,
- A certified Housing Authority, or
- A Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Corporation which includes one or more organizations which qualify under definition 1 above, and meet both of the following:
- the 501 (c)(3) or (c)(4) organization or a certified Housing Authority has regular, continuous and substantial activity in the development and operation of the portion of the project seeking financing available only to non-profit organizations, and
- the public investment can be demonstrated to further one or more of the objectives of the tax exempt non-profit entity.
The "after value," or if not documented, the "as is" value of the property less all indebtedness secured by the property.
Excess Cash Flow
The amount, if any, by which Net Cash Flow exceeds 115% of Permitted Loan Payments or $600 per unit, whichever is greater.