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Event Series Event Series: Board of Commissioners meeting

Streaming on Prosper Portland’s YouTube Channel and broadcast on cable Channel 30

Also in-person: Prosper Portland, 220 NW Second Ave, Second Floor, Build Partnerships Conference Room

As required by State law, Prosper Portland provides an opportunity for the public to access and attend its meetings either in-person or virtually; as such, a YouTube live stream video of the meeting can be found here. The public can also provide written testimony to the Commission or arrange in advance to provide virtual testimony to the Commission during the meeting by emailing ProsperCommissioners@ProsperPortland.us


Est. Time #i Item Title & Presenters Report & Resolution No.
3:00 pm 1 Call to Order and Roll Call
Gustavo Cruz Jr., Chair
3:01 pm 2 Commissioner Reports
3:06 pm 3 Executive Director Report
Kimberly Branam, Executive Director
3:13 pm 4 Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2023
3:14 pm 5 Public Comment for Items not on Agenda
3:17 pm 6 Election of Officers
3:18 pm 7 Appointing Audit Committee Members
3:20 pm 8 Action Item: Adopting Budget Amendment No. 1 for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2023, and Ending June 30, 2024; and Making Appropriations
Tony Barnes, Finance Manager
Kay Little, Asset & Investment Manager
Andrea Gall, Program Manager II
Report 23-25
Resolution 7498
4:05 pm 9 Action Item: Nominating Members to the Cully Tax Increment Finance District Community Leadership Committee and Recommending City Council Appointment
Kathryn Hartinger, Program Manager I
Dana DeKlyen, Program Manager I
Report 23-26
Resolution 7499
4:25 pm 10 Action Item: Authorizing Execution of Amendments to an Agreement with Worksystems, Inc. to Implement the Workforce Development Component of the Community Opportunities and Enhancements Program in Fiscal Years 2022-23 and 2023-24 Report 23-27
Resolution 7500
11 Action Item: Authorizing Issuance of a Use Permit to the City of Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation for Use of a Storage Closet at the Nick Fish Report 23-28
Resolution 7501
12 Action Item: Authorizing an Amendment to a Hotel Asset Management Contract with Stellarum Hospitality Consulting for the Inn at the Convention Center Located at 420 NE Holladay Street Report 23-29
Resolution 7502
4:30 pm 13 Adjourn

Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend/participate in this meeting should call (503) 823-3200 or (503) 823-6868 (TDD) at least two business days (48 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date for assistance.

A video recording of this meeting will be broadcast on cable channel 30 on Friday, September 29, 11:30 p.m., and Monday, October 2, 8:00 p.m.

i Note that item numbers may not represent the order they will be heard, but represent the location of the item in the packets.

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