Neighborhood Economic Development (NED) Leadership Group

With the adoption of the Neighborhood Economic Development (NED) Strategy by City Council on May 25, 2011, Prosper Portland, in consultation with City Council, created a citywide NED Leadership Group.

The role of the NED Leadership Group is  to inform and demonstrate community-driven neighborhood economic development.  The broad charge of the NED Leadership Group is to guide the implementation of the NED Strategy and to develop resources for the Strategy’s actions.

Contact: Kimberly Branamemail or 503-823-3794 | Justin Douglasemail or 503-823-4579

About the NED Leadership Group


The NED Leadership Group is composed of approximately 30 individuals with experience or expertise relevant to neighborhood economic development,  including:  business district development, business ownership and management, community leadership and engagement, financial lending and resource development, market analysis, neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment, small business development, and workforce development and higher education. The citywide NED Leadership Group is demographically and geographically diverse.

Roles and Responsibilities of Members

City Council, Prosper Portland, partner organizations, and community members rely on the NED Leadership Group to act as stewards and leaders of the NED Strategy. Members are expected to:

  • Attend all committee meetings and other related public activities.
  • Provide regular updates to NED Leadership Group in accordance with the shared goals, established work plans, and a standard of mutual accountability
  • Review agenda and meeting information in advance of the meeting and notify Prosper Portland in advance of meeting absences.
  • If a designated community or business representative, keep the entity represented informed of key agenda items and decisions.
  • Assist NED Leadership Group members in identifying and informing other community stakeholders of related projects, programs or policies.
  • Provide an annual update of accomplishments to the Portland City Council and/or the Prosper Portland Board of Commissioners.

NED Leadership Group Members

Jenny GlassRosewood Initiative
Fred SanchezRealty Brokers/Gateway Area Business Assn.
James ArmstrongAlberta Eye Care/Alberta Main St.
Duncan HwangAsian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Heather HoellVenture Portland
Nidal KahlHalsey/Weidler Group
Karis Stoudamire-PhillipsModa Health, N/NE Community Leader
Alando SimpsonCity of Roses Disposal & Recycling, Inc.
Annette MattsonPortland General Electric, East Portland Action Plan
Rey EspanaNAYA
Nick SauvieROSE CDC, East Portland Action Plan
Adam ZimmermanCraft3
Carl TaltonUnited Fund Advisors
Brian AlfanoUnitus Community Credit Union
Teri Karren-KeithAlbina Bank
Roslyn HillRoslyn Hill Development
Tony DeFalcoVerde
Steve MessinettiHabitat for Humanity
Jonath ColonHispanic Metropolitan Chamber
Nathan TeskeVerde
James PaulsonWorksystems, Inc.
Marc GoldbergPortland Community College
Jerry JohnsonJohnson Economics
Michele ReevesCivilis Consultants
Kimberly Branam*Prosper Portland
Joe ZehnderBureau of Planning & Sustainability
Javier MenaBureau of Housing
* Ex Officio